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I wrote this program a couple of weeks/months ago. What this program does is this: 1. You want to view the weapon_scripts for counter strike either extract or whatever. 2. Run hl2 scripter, decompile your ctx which you extracted for the counter strike files be it "weapon_deagle.ctx" decompile it, then once you've done that go to where your extracted ctx file is, and there will something like this if your using deagle. weapon_deagle.ctx weapon_deagle.txt That txt file is the decompiled ctx file with all the weapon scripts data in! Now for the compiling section, this process is good if your doing hl2 mods, this same process works but it's only availble for counter strike at this current time (registry key is coded in so..) but neither less i'll make it in the new version that you can do it for hl2 mods, the compiling for txt's is a process which is carried out to stop people from browsing the text documents are secret files. But i added this feature just incase it comes in use for counter strike mods Runtimes: (Required) .NET Framework v1.1 or v2.0 - Hl2 Scripter was written in C++ .NET and as such requires the .NET runtime in order to run.


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